
Strategy Overview

There are plenty of ways for each and everyone of us, regardless of age or financial status, to help raise the awareness of what is going on in our sky.

Below you will find some suggestions.

Feel free to contact us with any ideas of your own.

Contact Your Politician

On this site you will find the contact details for every federal politician (senate & house). Make it a habit to drop them a line regarding your concerns. Remember to ask them for a reply and keep a rcord of their response.


A great way to get fit and discover more about your local area all whilst raising awareness. We shall have some letterdrop templates available soon on the site but in the meantime a simple photocopied note is a great place to start.

Signs Down The Street

This is a wonderful way to capture attention and proved highly successful during the Covid 19 assault on our liberties. There are a number of people who are active every week using this sort of messaging. Contact us and we will put you in touch with the organisers.


Be the message. Tee shirts, hats, etc are an easy way to promote this cause. Until we have our own branded merchandise a simple online search should help you find what you are looking for.

Join Your Local Freedom Group

Active freedom focused organisations are now worldwide. South Australia is no exception with groups advocating for the rights of children, medical freedom and more. Adelaide Freedom Rally is one of the larger groups and by subscribing to their newsletter you will be kept up to date on relevant community events.

Attend Rallies

Strength and unity in numbers is best demonstrated by attending freedom focused rallies. The political decision makers take note of large focused community actions. Also the rallies are a great way to meet like minded people whilst waking up the sleepers in our society.

Social Media

Post and share relevant geo-engineering content across your social media. I stress don’t just like the content share it! This is so important in helping our message reach those who are not fully aware of the seriosness of the situation we face. 

Also it will be much appreciated if you could follow us on our social media. 

Whistleblowers Wanted

Hidden agendas such as what is going on with the worldwide spraying of our skies do eventually get dragged into the spotlight. This often helps when whisleblowers step forward. I know it’s a long shot but keep your eyes and ears open because after all someone knows who is behind all this and just maybe they are ready to talk,

Tell Us Your Ideas

If you can think of any ways of raising awareness about aerial spraying don’t hesitate to let us know… all ideas welcome and considered.

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